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ClientLine Enterprise-CLX Navigation Guide (Accessed via Business Track)

To view an in depth look at all of the features of ClientLine Enterprise reporting, please visit the link below.


ClientLine Enterprise (CLX) will provide you with the data you need to manage and expand your business. It provides accurate and reliable information when you need it.  Here is a sample of the information available within ClientLine Enterprise:

• A web-based tool that gives you 24/7 access to your electronic payment information. Provides access to recently processed transactions, charges, and bank deposits.

• Information available to download into MS Excel®, CSV, JSON & Parquet files.

• Detailed transaction information available from:

                  -Authorization: January 2019 till date.

                  - Settlement/Funding/Chargebacks: January 2020 till date.

• Research tools to help identify both internal and external fraud, review chargeback reports, and answer your customer’s inquiries.

• Reports can be customized to display the desired data by adding Filters. Use the dropdown to select options to refine your report. (Filter options vary by report).

• Click the Plus sign to add additional Group By reasons.  

• Most reports can do the following:

                   - Compare:  Allows for a Day over Day, Week over Week, Month over Month, etc. kind of comparison reports. When clicked, the Compare With date range appears. By default, it will auto-calculate the dates based on what is chosen. To set up your own date, please click on the pencil or edit icon.

                   -Time Trend:  Displays the trend of the selected Group By dimension, allowing one to graphically see the impact over a defined time date range. This option is available only if there is one Group By option selected.