1. Help Center
  2. Check Scanning Planning Center Integration

Check Scanning FAQ

Below is a list of some of the most common questions asked about our Check Scanning application.

Q: Can I use my current scanner?

A: We work with most of the current models of scanners out there. Here is a list of the current scanners that work with our system: https://www.paperlesstrans.com/supported-check-scanners


Q:  Do you offer a high volume discount?

A: Yes, our high volume discounts start at 400 items a month. 


Q: What operating systems does our Check Scanning application work on?

A: Currently, our Check Scanning application only works on a Windows operating system. 


Q: What is the typical time frame for getting set up?

A: Once we receive the necessary paperwork and signed application the average setup time is 2 business days.


Q: Can I set up multiple bank accounts for deposits?

A: Yes, you can have as many accounts set up as you would like. 


Q: Can I have multiple users set up in the application?

A: Yes, you can have as many users as you would like.